Facial Attraction: Symmetry Considered Harmful
N. N. Schraudolph. Facial
Attraction: Symmetry Considered Harmful.
Journal of Machine Learning Gossip, 2:1–2, 2005.
To be taken with
a grain of salt.
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An experiment in self-symmetrization yields surprising results about using computers to make unattractive faces.
BibTeX Entry
@article{Schraudolph05, author = {Nicol N. Schraudolph}, title = {\href{http://nic.schraudolph.org/pubs/Schraudolph05.pdf}{ Facial Attraction: Symmetry Considered Harmful}}, journal = {\href{http://www.jmlg.org/}{ Journal of Machine Learning Gossip}}, volume = 2, pages = {1--2}, year = 2005, b2h_type = {Other}, b2h_topic = {Other}, b2h_note = {To be taken with a grain of salt.}, abstract = { An experiment in self-symmetrization yields surprising results about using computers to make unattractive faces. }}